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Praying For a Valentine

Writer's picture: JayceJayce

Hi friends!

I want to start by saying that I have a LOT coming for you guys soon. I've had my nose in the middle of the "Circle Maker" by Matt Patterson lately, and it's truly changing my life, so I'm sure I'll post a few times about it. We're also getting ready to start the "Uninvited" forum February 15, and I'm just chomping at the bit to get to know all of the members of this awesome community. I know that God is going to have a presence and do some unique work in this community, so join up if you haven't already. (that's NOT the point of this post, but it's just a tidbit that I found worth mentioning.)

So I've spent this entire Sunday lounging on my couch with my mind buzzing around the coming week-- sometimes Sunday really does feel like Monday, Jr., doesn't it? I had a mini slumber party with a best friend of mine and her daughter. We spent the night listening to the rain and watching various Disney movies, as my obligatory role in this munchkin's life is to ensure that she grows into the lovely Disney Princess that we all have deep inside of us. It was a magical night of giggles and dancing, and when she went to sleep, I got to spend some time investing in my friend, and planning our "Galentine" date. We shared laughs and stories and wine, and it was a night that really does make me so thankful for friendship at all.

There's something I've really loved about this recent chapter of my life-- listening to and investing in my friends. I love getting to make sure that my friends feel valued and heard. I've made it a cornerstone in my friendships: Make Friends Feel Valued. All of my closest ones require that in different ways, of course, and I don't do a perfect job, by any means. But I'm learning and really trying to love my friends well, so it was SO good for our souls to just be relaxed and a little messy together last night.

Isn't that what we need sometimes: just a place to go and let your messy soul be a mess? When you're in the middle of your mess, it can seem so ugly and unfixable-- whether it's a tough situation with family, work, friends or relationships. It can be a little overwhelming, standing in the middle of it, and we NEED someone to see all of the pieces laid out and tell us that it's okay. As humans, we need people to remind us that the struggle is a part of the story. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes I need help seeing the beautiful in the mess. That's what a friend does, in my opinion. I've mentioned that before, but I think it's important to have people that you can be yourself around. Dream big, fail big, worry, and hope openly around these people without feeling silly. On the contrary, you know for a fact that these friends are interceding for you in prayer. They are FOR you, cheering for you and crying with you, whichever the situation calls for.

I'm warning you: this little paragraph is about to be cheesy like the pizza we ordered late last night while binging on Gossip Girl.

I've been circling my friends in prayer. Literally, repeating their names and needs over and over in my head, heart and journal. I actually write their names in all caps and circle them in a colored pen, as if God can't read my handwriting. I also circle a favorite group of mine: "BLOG READERS", so I gotcha. You're circled in prayer and mentioned, in case nobody has told you that before. You are circled and interceded for, and you have a person that prays for and loves your mess (even if you've never met me, which is a pretty cool thing about prayer and the internet). It's been so cool to see God work through those little acts of love, and I hope that you're getting some of that blessing. I actually circled this whole blog in prayer. It's like one big blessing trap, so just by clicking on the link from wherever you found me, you're thought of. I got you, and you are far from forgotten. I wrote you a Valentine and gave to The Creator of the Universe, The Seer of Your Biggest Messes.


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