It’s a million degrees outside; we gotta stay hydrated. And here I am, fully ready to share my FAVORITE drinks for hydration.
Here’s the thing, whether you’re looking to try a new cocktail, mocktail (a recent fave), or energy drink, Corner Market is the first place I think to go. I’m no nutritionist, but a lot of these are healthy!!
Okay, let’s get started:
1. Organic Tart Cherry Juice
Glass bottle goodness, this is my holy grail product right now. Not only is absolutely delicious, and a great alternative to a nighttime glass of Cabernet, it’s a hormone balancer AND it has a ton of vitamins. For me, it’s a great way that I wind down, and get some great sleep, because of the melatonin and tryptophan (that’s the same thing that gives you the Turkey Nap at Thanksgiving).
2. Aloe Juice
Another glass bottle holy grail, this one is GREAT for hydration. It’s great for digestive support and an EXCELLENT way to hydrate you from the inside out. It doesn’t necessarily taste good, but it’s incredibly good for you!
3. Celsius
Yeah, I know about the rumors that these aren’t the best for you, but the heart wants what it wants. I love to stop in a Corner Market and pick up a cold from the bevy cooler when I need a pick-me-up (especially if I have a CycleBar or PureBarre class after work that day).
4. Liquid Death
Okay these drinks are just water. BUT if you’re going to a party or out where there’s going to be drinking and you’re just not feeling like drinking and don’t want to answer the whole “WhY aReN’t YoU dRiNkInG?” (Which is another blog post for another day, these guys are the coolest.
If these aren’t interesting to you, or if you’re more into a juice mood— Corner Market has fresh pressed juices for you. If you’re looking for those cute and aesthetic Recess drinks, they’re here. I already mentioned, Corner Market’s drink selection is unmatched, so pop in and
try a new drink!!
Stay cool out there!
